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Developing a landing page for your website can be lengthy and complicated. This takes up much of your time and often results in sloppy designs. But the landing pages jQuery templates are the solution to your problem. This collection contains hundreds of demo one-page themes for your startup or enterprise business. They are professional, modern-looking, and come in a variety of styles. 它们可以随时使用,而且成本很低. You will no longer have to spend hours on a design that ends up being different from what you wanted. Start your search now, and use one of these fantastic samples to get a beautiful, on-brand website.


它是一个紧凑且功能强大的JavaScript库. With a user-friendly API that is compatible with various browsers, 它简化了HTML文档导航等任务, animation, and AJAX. As a result, a developer can manipulate the DOM (Document Object Model) with just a few lines of code.

许多开发人员使用这个JS库来简化向站点或应用程序添加交互性的过程. It has become so popular that it is estimated to be used by over 60% of all web resources!


A landing page 一个网页能把访问者带到一个网站吗. It usually contains one cohesive message about the product or service being promoted. It is often paired with a lead form so visitors can provide their name and email. There are many one-page sites—from lead capture to product demos to content marketing campaigns. 他们的目的是创造客户或销售.

So, when it comes to lead generation, a jQuery-based single-page option is great for you. It is best suited for businesses looking for new customers who need professionally-made web design.

Thus, one-page resources are a great tool for conversion and can be used in almost any industry. The main reason is that they provide a more focused experience for visitors, 这样更容易向他们展示你能提供什么.


  • 提高转换率;
  • 更高的流量,
  • 更好的搜索引擎排名.

The templates in this collection have been designed for jQuery-powered single-page sites. 对于那些想要流畅而专业地展示自己的产品或服务的初创公司来说,它们尤其有用. 你是他们中的一员吗? 嗯,你来对地方了.


这些模板有许多有用的功能,使它们成为任何人需要生成线索的绝佳选择. In particular, the perfect recipe for a modern-day lead generation website looks like this:

  • 响应式:适用于所有设备,从台式机到智能手机.
  • 简单布局:没有杂乱的直接布局. 保持读者对每个网页的参与.
  • Google Maps: Get map pins in real-time locations and display your address and contact details.
  • 视差:内置 3D 滚动效果吸引观众,使网站更有吸引力.
  • Portfolio: Showcase your work and get appreciated by a community of like-minded creators.
  • 画廊:组织您的产品和服务的照片在一个整洁, 易于导航的布局,完美的在线外观.
  • Blog: Keep clients updated with a blog that is always up-to-date with the latest posts.


如上所述, the jQuery framework is a lightweight JavaScript library that simplifies DOM operations, 事件处理, animation, 以及用于快速web开发的AJAX交互. 但是,如果您已经有了现成的设计,如何构建基于jquery的单页资源呢?


  1. 选择一个模板并将其下载到您的PC上. You have two options: a one-time purchase via the shopping cart or a subscription 有更多免费下载. 第二个选项对于那些计划经常从市场下载web资产的人来说很有用.
  2. 解压缩文件并将其安装到您的域中. 你可以用 user guides 或者订购合适的 service.
  3. 根据您的品牌和需求定制外观.
  4. It's done. 您的资源看起来像一个演示! 现在是时候发布内容并在互联网上推广了.

How to Create Dynamic Single-Page Sites That Are Attractive Like Apple's: Video


登陆页jQuery FAQ


只有那些 与MotoCMS兼容. 此外,他们还支持14天的试用期. In addition, you can try the drag-and-drop function and the MotoCMS builder itself.

Is it possible to turn landing pages jQuery into a full-fledged website?

Yes, it is. You can access the Full-Featured Website service when purchasing a MotoCMS主题. 如果需要,将其添加到您的订单中.

What is the difference between a single-page site and a microsite?

A single webpage usually has one goal: to get visitors to take action, 比如订阅时事通讯, 下载白皮书, 或者买东西. 一个微型网站有多个目标,包括从销售产品到为你的销售团队收集线索的任何事情.

